sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Strawberry nutella crepe cake recipe

I promised you a lazy, easy recipe. And, comparatively speaking, this recipe IS easy. Strawberry Nutella crepes, sprinkled with powdered sugar! Perfect for Summer breakfast or dessert!

Fulfill all your crepe dreams with this hazelnut chocolate crepe cake! Layers for days! This Nutella Crepe Cake is the result of just such an occasion. The kids were in the backyard with Dad, and I finished up all the cleaning and just felt inspired to start tinkering around.

Strawberry Nutella Crepe Cake - Something Swanky

Crepes, strawberries and chocolate delightfully layered to create a beautiful and delicious cake. Enjoy for breakfast or dessert with your loved ones.

A couple years ago I made a Lemon Crepe Cake and it was really good. This spring I added fresh strawberries and the cake was fabulous! The strawberry and nutella crepes turned out really good. I enjoyed the strawberry and nutella combo! Crepe recipes are perfect for breakfast, brunch, dinner or dessert.

Crepes are very thin pancakes and can be served savory (think spinach-gruyere, ham and eggs, or mushrooms and herbs), or sweet (chocolate, lemon, caramel-pecan or the classic Crepes Suzette).

Strawberry nutella crepe cake recipe

Strawberry and Nutella crepes - Julia's Album

Strawberry Cheesecake Crepes with Nutella Fresh strawberries, cream cheese, and nutella all wrapped in a delicious homemade crepe. Pretty much makes you want to lick your plate clean.

Strawberry Nutella Eclair Cake. this recipe is AMAZING and perfect for summer! Chocolate Crêpe Cake features light and ethereal chocolate crêpes layered with a hazelnut chocolate pastry cream. Once you have the art of making crêpes down, the world is your playground for flavor combinations. Layers of crepes and filling stacked high to form a cake which can be sliced and served all at once.

Thomas Keller kills it with his orange zested pastry cream, and after having Lady M’s famous green tea version I was inspired to make a slightly faster fat scheme version.

Lemon Strawberry Crepe Cake - delia creates

So we came up with this strawberry nutella cheesecake crepe. I have come to realize that our style of cooking is basically to cram as much of our favorite things into 1 dish as possible. This recipe should yield about 50 mini crepes, and you can speed things up by making them simultaneously in two pans if you feel comfortable juggling that. If you have trouble making round crepes, and if you have a large ring mold about 5 inches across, you can place the mold in the pan and pour the batter in the center, then swirl it around until it covers the whole center area. I love crepes and created a recipe that had all the wonderful classic ingredients along with some of my favorite flavors. Brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla are three flavors that just make me melt.

Nutella crepes or crepes with Nutella and raspberry jam, topped with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, chocolate sauce or with more Nutella! Mmm.

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