domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Cafe ekberg

Olemme auki arkisin ja viikonloppuina. Aamun käynnistämme noutopöydällä, jolle katamme monipuolisen aamiaisen. Cafe Ekberg is one of the legends in Helsinki, one must visit. It is centrally located but the location itself is not special.A place with long traditions where adults and business men go to have morning and afternoon meetings or just pick up different pastries.

Old, classy decoration. Eventbrite - Flockler presents Voita kilpailu asiakaskokemuksesta - Friday, May 13, 2016 at Caf\u00e9 Ekberg, Helsinki, Helsinki. Find event and registration information.

Café Ekberg Home

Familienbetrieb Brot und Kuchen aus eigener Bäckerei. Das tägliche Frühstücksbüfett ist eine viel besuchte Attraktion, die Einrichtung ist nostalgisch und gemütlich.

Café Ekberg has been around since 1852. They serve buffet breakfasts and daily lunch specials, however, we were here for a quick stop during our shopping expedition as Dragon was asleep and I needed to sit down (she was sleeping on the hip seat and I have been walking with her ‘attached’ to me like a koala for at least 4 hours!The classic café Ekberg still serves the Napoleon cake and the Champagne Cork, favourite to many of its customers. The breakfast buffét is also a popular place to meet at. Vuodesta 1873 Ekberg omisti Café Parisien -nimisen ranskalaisvaikutteisen kahvilan, joka tosin oli myöhemmin kannattamattomana suljettava.

Lisäksi hän omisti 1869 alkaen panimon sekä vuodesta 1874 viinikaupan ja tupakkakaupan.

Café Ekberg - Café Helsinki

I still like to linger in cafés. So I stopped by the oldest café in town: Café Ekberg, which opened on February 3, 1852. It is small, yet quiet and sophisticated.

Cafe ekberg

Finnish cafe and bakery brand that has a history dating back to 1852. The oldest bakery in Finland, Ekberg was in need of an updated brand strategy in order to stay competitive with new competitors. В каждом городе среди кафе есть своя grand dame. В Хельсинки это Cafe Ekberg, расположенное на этом месте с 1932 года, когда день уважающей себя светской дамы был невозможен без выпитой здесь чашечки кофе с наполеоном.

Every city has its special spots, and Café Ekberg is among such in Helsinki. Located at the same address since 1932, it certainly deserves a title of Grand Dame of Helsinki café scene.

Café Ekberg - Aukioloajat

En muista milloin olisin viimeksi tuntenut oloni niin nuoreksi kuin Bulevardilla sijaitsevassa Helsingin vanhimmassa kahvilassa Café Ekbergissä istuessani. Suurehkon salin pieniä pöytiä kansoittavat asiakkaat näyttävät siltä, että he ovat aloittaneet kahvihetkensä Mäntsälän kapinan aikoihin.

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